
The following poems were written in praise of the contenders for Caid Crown.  I have contributed to these semi-annual collections, known as the Fighter Poems, since Fall 2002.

Richard Clerke of Rowanwood, rondel
Lord Andrew Baird, Scottish stanza
Sir Sven Gunther Alcon, conachlonn
Viscountess Krysta MacIntyreIrish deibhidhe
Sir Gamyl of Mottrum, Petrarchan sonnet
Sir Dante Lizza da Benevento, terza rima
Herzog Dietrich von Vogelsang, wechsel
THL Mikhail of the Kuma, alliterative verse
Duchess Kolfinna kottr, alliterative verse
THL Davi d’Orleans, virelai
Sir Ragnar of Sandcastle, alliterative verse
Lord Niccolo d’Angelo, Petrarchan sonnet
Duke Edward Senestre, chansons de geste
Sir Mons von Goarshausen, rime royal
Sir Ilia Aleksandrovich, rime royal
Baron Secca of Kent, 14th century Chaucerian rondel, written in Middle English and translated
Sir Kjartan Daegarson, conachlonn
Sir Helgi hrafnfæðir, Anglo-Saxon verse
Benjamin Goodchild, Italian sonnet
Sir Killian MacTaggart, Irish conachlonn
THL Andrew Makandro, Scottish stanza
Duke Sven Orfhendun, 13th century iambic tetrameter
Master Christian de Guerre, contrafactum of the 15th century Agincourt Carol
Sir Osmund Rus, Chaucerian stanza
THL Jethro de Calce des Excurtynynx, rondeau
Lord Fearghus Cochrane, Standard Habbie

The Song of Lyondemere, in the style of an 11th c chansons de geste