The Song of Lyondemere

In 2006, I participated in a contest which would determine the Barony of Lyondemere’s 5th Lyon Bard.  We were required to compose a piece which incorporated the genealogy of the Baronage of Lyondemere.  I wrote the following, in the style of a chansons de geste, “song of deeds”, a poetic form of eleventh century France.

Perhaps the best-known example of this form is the Chanson de Roland, composed c. 1098-1100.  Typically, these epic poems varied in length from 1,000-2,000 lines and described the heroic deeds of some great central figure, such as Charlemagne.

A chanson is composed of 10-syllable lines grouped in stanzas of irregular length, rather similar to a paragraph in prose writing.  Each line is heavily end-stopped, usually having a clear grammatical or punctuated ending.  Instead of a more modern rhyming scheme, the technique of assonance is used to create the effect of rhyme, with the last stressed vowel in each line being the same throughout the stanza.

My piece is much shorter and simpler in style than the original examples, and was recited, rather than sung, as were many of the later chansons.


The Song of Lyondemere
(chansons de geste)

In the thirteenth year of the West Kingdom
King Gregory and Queen Bevin did come
Armand crowned King from the tourney he won
Diana greeted with cheers of welcome
Conrad von Regensburg now called Baron
That first day of Anno Caidis I.

For two years he served as vassal alone
His duty to protect his Caid home
At long last a Baroness would be known
Megwyn of Glendwry would serve the throne.

Together, they served Caid for ten years
To succeed them would be two double peers
Colin Wynthorpe would guard Lyondemere
With Xena Baxter Wynthorpe his wife dear

Then a young family would serve Caid
Gilbert Rhys MacLachlan called to succeed
His Lady, Morann Will Owen, agreed.

Their term ended when five years came to pass
Then Baron Jamal Damien Marcus
Was knighted to protect and to guard us
Eowyn Amberdrake to inspire us.

The barony grew and with it its art
Then time for these two fine peers to depart
But remain here, forever in our hearts
The next to serve, an honorable bard
Thomas Bordeaux, now vassal lord and guard.

Sven then called the Baroness he would want
Angelina Nicollette de Beaumont

This Baroness serves with grace and beauty
Her diligence honors the barony
Thus is the barony along the sea
Long Live Lyondemere! Long Live Caid!


I did not win the competition!  My lord husband, Domhnall, did.  But, I was to become the Lyon Bard the following year, and had high hopes of performing this piece for Lyondemere Anniversary then, to herald the procession of Barons and Baronesses present to celebrate the day.

I did not get the chance, to my disappointment.  Oh!  If only Caid and Her territories would learn how to use their bards!  I’m afraid my sadness lingers on this subject.