THL Davi d’Orleans

Davi and CaitlinI have enjoyed experimenting with various medieval poetry forms.  I very much wanted an excuse to try my hand at writing a virelai, a form of medieval French verse most commonly set to music in Europe from the late 13th to the 15th centuries.  Davi loves the pageantry in the SCA, and his persona was just right for a virelai!


THL Davi d’Orleans fallen in Spring Crown Tourney, A.S. XLIV


Far from the Valley Loire, His Lordship d’Orleans did ride,
To meet the tourney hour and take the Crown with pride.
Sword winged and ready, victory smells sweetly;
Gaze sure and steady, take the day completely.
Now call gallant and dour, to the field with Herald’s cries
A bow to Gentle Flower, and honor for Caid.

Far from the Valley Loire, His Lordship d’Orleans did ride,
To meet the tourney hour and take the Crown with pride.
First blows to red knight, who responded deftly;
No victory this fight, Valrik ended neatly.
A foe with raven’s power, and tested skills that time provide;
Defeat at dragon’s tower, but with honor for Caid.

Far from the Valley Loire, His Lordship d’Orleans did ride,
To meet the tourney hour and take the Crown with pride.
Swift blows from black knight, history repeating;
Thus ended last fight, Davi was defeated.
Far from the Valley Loire, His Lordship d’Orleans now lies
At rest in distant bower, always honoring Caid.

Far from the Valley Loire, His Lordship d’Orleans did ride,
To meet the tourney hour and take the Crown with pride.

— THL Beathog nic Dhonnchaidh

. . . is a 14th century bard who can often be seen traveling far from her home in the Highlands with her lord husband and muse.  If a good tale crosses her path, she will sing a song about it, pull out its hair and spin it, or throw it in a pot and cook it up.