Davi joined the Order of the Chivalry at Gyldenholt’s Unbelted Tourney, January 22, 2011. It was a glorious day! I was honored to sing his virelai at Court, and added a special verse to the end of the poem for the occasion. Davi could not be left for dead on this joyous occasion!
Now from that distant bower, His Lordship d’Orleans does ride
To this, his finest hour, and to meet the Crown with pride.
Brothers in armor, words of fealty spoken
Duty and honor, Knight to knight unbroken
Come now from vigil tower, unto the throne with Herald’s cries
A bow to Gentle Flower, and honor for Caid.
Now from that distant bower, His Lordship d’Orleans does ride
To this, his finest hour, to join the chivalry.